TEST MATERIAL 333 bottle, and the chase, He was shrewd and practical, and gained a great reputation.for his financial ability. He had a gift, too, for managing men. He was not interested in improving the laws: "I am no reformer/' he said. But it is to his credit that he kept his country at peace for many years (4) This sailor was slight in build with a prominent nose and fine eyes. As a boy |ie was delicate but with an eager spirit and a great power of self-control. As a young naval officer he was more than once guilty of disobedience when he saw a better course to follow than the one he had been ordered to take. He was gallant in action; he made light of sickness and injuries; he was generous to his officers and beloved by his men. He was fond of display, and this weakness probably cost him his life. (5) This king was welcomed with wild rejoicing at his accession. He had excellent abilities—great wit, charming manners, and perfect tact. But he proved to be a selfish, pleasure-loving king; moreover, his word could not be relied on. But he encouraged art and science and music. Like his father, he died calmly, even apologizing to those about him for taking so long to pass away. (6) This queen was a quiet and inoffensive woman of rather commonplace ability. One thing said of her is that she was over-fond of the pleasures of the table. But she was a tender mother and an indulgent mistress. She was deeply religious. The business of the State, however, troubled and excited her, and she was glad to allow her favourites and her Ministers to manage the country's affairs. (7) This red-headed general was weak and sickly as a boy, When he grew up he was always extremely shy and anything but good- looking. He had, however, a firm character. He determined early in life to become a soldier, and he fought in Flanders at the age of fifteen. He was at the same time modest and fond of reading, He is said to have declared that he would rather have written a certain famous poem than take the city against which he was about to lead an attack. (8) This queen was noted for her beauty, her gaiety, and her courage. Her foreign upbringing and her religion made it difficult for her to understand her people. Hers was a pleasure-loving nature with strong passions which she never learned to control. Her reign at one time promised well, but it ended in disaster. She herself died by the axe of the headsman. (9) This king had the making of a good man in him, but he was cruel, selfish, and faithless. He was probably our worst king. It has been said that he was a crafty man without sagacity, a suspicious man without insight, a learned man without wisdom, a rash man without courage, wan obstinate man without firmness, and an evil man without shame. (10) This great judge and lawyer was a king's adviser for many years. But he disliked court life, preferring to be at home among his wife and children and friends. He was a man of gentle, endearing, and happy temper. Condemned to death for refusing to obey the king and do what he thought to be wrong, he met His death bravely,